Anastasia Taylor-Lind featured on the National Geographic ‘Overheard’ Podcast.
Fotografiska x TIME Magazine Exhibition, ‘Other People’s Children’.
NYT review of Fotografiska museum opening
“The most substantial of the exhibitions is a photojournalistic investigation (commissioned by Time magazine and Fotografiska) by Anastasia Taylor-Lind of the nanny culture that exists to provide child care for middle-class and wealthy New York households. Whether it qualifies as journalism or art is open to debate, but these pictures, which explore the awkward, delicate dynamic between relatively affluent people and the financially struggling caregivers who help raise their children, provoke and disturb in a way that nothing else in the debut presentation does.”
‘The Childcare Crisis’, Commissioned by TIME MAGAZINE, Photographs by Anastasia Taylor-Lind
Anastasia Taylor-Lind shows Rohingya women’s dignity amid horror, British Journal of Photography, January 2018
“I wonder whether it’s a failing of photojournalism that we tend to represent victims of war at their most desperate and vulnerable," says the photographer, who took a very different approach in her work for Human Rights Watch.
Women Photographers Are Being Written Out of the War Narrative, Time Lightbox, March 2017
Anastasia Taylor-Lind looks at how the industry is talking about women war photographers
Libyan Sugar, Michael Christopher Brown
'War Stories Shouldn't Be Easy, True War Stories Never Are', Time Lightbox, July 2016
A review of Michael Christopher Brown's photobook, Libyan Sugar.
How a Lack of Representation Is Hurting Photojournalism, Time Lightbox, May 2016
“Everyone thinks it is someone else’s problem, or that the problem will correct itself."
Why Photojournalism Needs Diverse Storytelling Approaches, Time Lightbox, February 2016
After the Associated Press withdrew the winning work of Daniel Ochoa de Olza, World Press Photo juror Anastasia Taylor-Lind argues for the use of found images in photojournalism